How do I get Garda vetted?

The Dojo Champion or Child Protection Officer will provide a Vetting Invitation Form (NVB 1) to you. This must be printed, and then filled out and signed by hand. Proof of ID and Proof of Address within the last 3 months is required.

Then, you must scan and send your filled out & signed Vetting Invitation Form (NVB 1) as well as proof of ID and proof of address to with the descriptive subject in the title (e.g Joe Bloggs Vetting Application 01/05/2021). You must CC the Dojo Champion in this email. Please note you must send this email, not the Dojo Champion.

The CoderDojo Foundation will send you an email with a link attached inviting you to complete the rest of your application online. You have 14 days from the date you open this link to complete the rest of your application online.

Once submitted the CoderDojo Foundation will review your application and submit it to the National Vetting Bureau.

The National Vetting Bureau will process your application and forward your disclosure to the CoderDojo Foundation. An email will be sent to you from the National Vetting Bureau, informing you that your disclosure has been viewed by the CoderDojo Foundation and a copy of your disclosure will be made available to you upon request.

As soon as reasonably possible the CoderDojo Foundation Garda Vetting Liaison Person will contact the Champion to notify them of their volunteers passing of the eVetting process. Delays can be expected around peak times such as August, September (when Dojo’s normally resume in Ireland).

Last updated on by Patrick O'Brien